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德国洛尔托福制药厂(Rottendrof Pharma GmbH)经过多年研发于草本药效治疗取得优异的成续,以一般草本华配合先进科技制药程序,针对治疗于脑功能率减退﹑神经衰弱﹑精神萎靡﹑容易疲劳﹑集中力衰退及记忆力障碍;甚至,脑外伤性治疗或保健,如脑动脉硬化所引起的肢体活动能力倦怠及头昏头中晕﹑中风后的脑功能障碍﹑高血压性脑出血后等不适,纯天然的草本药物,绝对符合标准没有副作用的刺激,可称强化脑机能的保健营养治疗剂.






Brain is a highly developed mass of nervous tissue that forms the upper end of the central nervous

system.It's also necessary for the brain to have special nourishng stuff and supplement.

Rottendorf Pharma GmbH have been reported concerning the importance of herbal supplement as the energy source of the brain and also overview the relationship between this substance and function of theBrain. Weakness in memory, insuffecient attention, lack of concentration, or the decrease in the ability of learning are frequently observed when there is nutritional deficiency of the brain.Polygones Capsules is the new Natural Herbal remedy of choice which is very helpful to free the brain fromfatigue and have improve intelligence and increase the effectiveness of the bvrain function.


To improve and maintain the nuiritional balcance for brain. To prevent and lack of concentraction,

weakness in memory,increase the ability of learning and faigue .


Ganoderma Liquid Extract 4.1%

Radix Angelicae Sinensis 9.17%

Radix Astragali 9.17%

Radix Acanthopanacis Senitconsi 9.17%

Processed Polygonum Mulitiflorum 9.17%

Gymnadenia Conopsea 9.17%

Rhizoma Polygonati 9.17%

Radix Polygalae 6.1%

Frutus Corni 6.1%

Lycium Chinense 6.1%

Fructus Schisandrae 6.1%

Radix Paeconiate Rubra 6.1%

Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii 6.1%

And Other Ingredients 6.1%

Dosage: Two to Four capsules three times a day, or as directed by physician

Packing: 150's per bottle.

Storage: Keep out of reach of children and store below 25度in a cool and dry place

总代理:鸿运贸易(药业)有限公司( Hung Win Trading (Medical) Company Ltd.

原装德国制造Made in Germany

Mfd by: Rottendorf Pharma GmbH., Ennigerloh, Germany.


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